What is this?

Hey there, and welcome to my Morning Thoughts Newsletter. My name is Louis M. Morgner and I am a 22-y/o doer from Germany. I love to read, understand and think through new ideas. And what I love even more is sharing those ideas with people like me. Every day. My friends are entrepreneurs, students, makers, creatives, academics, and athletes. People who like to do things. If this sounds like you, why not have a look at the things I’ve written in the past and see if you like them?

Why subscribe?

Your inbox is most likely overflowing already, so why give another (daily) newsletter a shot? All you need to know is down below.

↦ I share a new idea with you every morning (Mon-Fri)
↦ Topics: Technology, Philosophy, Life, Psychology & Creativity
↦ Format: A short ~150 word Morning Thought & Daily Quote

If this sounds just remotely exciting to you, I’d encourage you to give my work a read. Maybe there’s a little thought nugget you can take away by just spending a minute browsing. If you decide to subscribe, you will not miss anything and will find a new morning thought in your inbox every morning when you wake up.

Who is this guy?

I discovered my love of building things (on the internet) when I got my first computer at the age of 11. Ever since, I was fortunate enough to have the freedom to follow my genuine curiosity which led me to build robots, websites, apps, algorithms, and anything I put my mind to. Nowadays I spent my time finishing my bachelor’s degree at Maastricht University, building wespond and heute.is, and trying to learn as much as I can from the people and books around me.

Subscribe to Morning Thoughts

A 22 y/o student on the daily quest to share fresh ideas that inspire. Philosophy, Life, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Realizations. Every morning 5:30AM CET. Mon-Fri.


Just a young student embarking on the journey of life.